December was a very busy month, with a daughter newly married and moving to Utah with her husband, Christmas, and family events, the month flew by.
Here are a few pictures from the festivities:
Lucy playing by the Christmas tree!
What did Santa bring?
Too tired to care...
James, the most grateful!
Carly is getting into it now...
Dana too...
Davi loves Christmas!
Kaitlin and Lucy.
Is that Mark behind the package?
We had a very relaxing Christmas day, after opening presents, we headed over to my parents for the traditional breakfast of "Abelskivers" (a danish delight). The day ended with another tradition, Lasagna, weird I know, but the kids love the pasta!
The very next day was packing day for Davi and Carly.
We loaded all their precious belongings into a 5' x 10' Uhaul trailer. It was packed full. The mountain passes were closed to vehicles without chains and we had procrastinated getting chains for our Pilot, so we got up early on December 27th and headed South through the Vancouver/Portland area, headed East through The Dalles and then onto Pendelton. Where we purchased chains and waited for the pass to open. It started to get dark, so we stayed the night in Pendelton. Found a good Chinese place for dinner the checked our options for the next day.
Fortunately the pass opened and we forged our way through Oregon and Idaho. We finally arrived at Julie and Shaun's December 28th, 9:30pm. We were so glad to make it there.
Move in day was December 29th. Davi and Carly's one month anniversary. Everything went smoothly, we had tons of help unloading the trailer. (Thank you everyone!)
Sorry no pictures...
Davi and Carly are living in Wymount Terrace, BYU's married/student housing. They have a two bedroom place with plenty of room and storage space. By the time we left Utah (January 3rd) the newly weds were all settled and ready for Davi to start school.
It was so fun to spend time with our married daughters for New Years. Shaun's parents and sister were in Utah too, so we had a great time bowling with them on New Year's Eve!
Sorry the pictures aren't that great, I need practice!
I hope 2009 has started with happiness for your families.
Ours is working hard, back at school, work and extra activities. It is strange only having Dana and Kaitlin at home, but we are adjusting to the change.